
A web-based real-time audio effect processor designed for audio enthusiasts to enhance their music listening experience.

Project maintained by Frieve-A Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Spatial Audio Plugins

A collection of plugins that enhance how music sounds in your headphones or speakers by adjusting the stereo (left and right) balance. These effects can make your music sound more spacious and natural, especially when listening with headphones.

Plugin List

Multiband Balance

A sophisticated spatial processor that divides the audio into five frequency bands and allows independent stereo balance control of each band. This plugin enables precise control over the stereo image across the frequency spectrum, offering creative possibilities for sound design and mixing, as well as corrective applications for problematic stereo recordings.

Key Features


Crossover Frequencies

Band Controls

Each band has independent balance control:

  1. Natural Stereo Enhancement
    • Low Band (20-100 Hz): 0% (centered)
    • Low-Mid (100-500 Hz): ±20%
    • Mid (500-2000 Hz): ±40%
    • High-Mid (2000-8000 Hz): ±60%
    • High (8000+ Hz): ±80%
    • Effect: Creates a graduated stereo spread that widens with frequency
  2. Focused Mix
    • Low Band: 0%
    • Low-Mid: ±10%
    • Mid: ±30%
    • High-Mid: ±20%
    • High: ±40%
    • Effect: Maintains central focus while adding subtle width
  3. Immersive Soundscape
    • Low Band: 0%
    • Low-Mid: ±40%
    • Mid: ±60%
    • High-Mid: ±80%
    • High: ±100%
    • Effect: Creates an enveloping sound field with anchored bass

Application Guide

  1. Mix Enhancement
    • Keep low frequencies (below 100 Hz) centered for stable bass
    • Gradually increase stereo width with frequency
    • Use moderate settings (±30-50%) for natural enhancement
    • Monitor in mono to check for phase issues
  2. Problem Solving
    • Correct phase issues in specific frequency ranges
    • Tighten unfocused bass by centering low frequencies
    • Reduce harsh stereo artifacts in high frequencies
    • Fix poorly recorded stereo tracks
  3. Creative Sound Design
    • Create frequency-dependent movement
    • Design unique spatial effects
    • Build immersive soundscapes
    • Enhance specific instruments or elements
  4. Stereo Field Adjustment
    • Fine-tune stereo balance per frequency band
    • Correct uneven stereo distribution
    • Enhance stereo separation where needed
    • Maintain mono compatibility

Quick Start Guide

  1. Initial Setup
    • Start with all bands centered (0%)
    • Set crossover frequencies to standard points:
      • Freq 1: 100 Hz
      • Freq 2: 500 Hz
      • Freq 3: 2000 Hz
      • Freq 4: 8000 Hz
  2. Basic Enhancement
    • Keep Band 1 (low) centered
    • Make small adjustments to higher bands
    • Listen for changes in spatial image
    • Check mono compatibility
  3. Fine-tuning
    • Adjust crossover points to match your material
    • Make gradual changes to band positions
    • Listen for unwanted artifacts
    • Compare with bypass for perspective

Remember: The Multiband Balance is a powerful tool that requires careful adjustment. Start with subtle settings and increase complexity as needed. Always check your adjustments in both stereo and mono to ensure compatibility.

Stereo Blend

An effect that helps achieve a more natural sound field by adjusting the stereo width of your music. It’s particularly useful for headphone listening, where it can reduce the exaggerated stereo separation that often occurs with headphones, making the listening experience more natural and less fatiguing. It can also enhance the stereo image for speaker listening when needed.

Listening Enhancement Guide


  1. Headphone Listening (Natural)
    • Stereo: 60-90%
    • Effect: Reduced stereo separation
    • Perfect for: Long listening sessions, reducing fatigue
  2. Speaker Listening (Reference)
    • Stereo: 100%
    • Effect: Original stereo image
    • Perfect for: Accurate reproduction
  3. Speaker Enhancement
    • Stereo: 110-130%
    • Effect: Subtle width enhancement
    • Perfect for: Rooms with close speaker placement

Music Style Optimization Guide

Quick Start Guide

  1. Choose Your Listening Setup
    • Identify whether you’re using headphones or speakers
    • This determines your starting point for adjustment
  2. Start with Conservative Settings
    • Headphones: Begin at 80%
    • Speakers: Begin at 100%
    • Listen for natural sound placement
  3. Fine-tune for Your Music
    • Make small adjustments (5-10% at a time)
    • Focus on achieving natural sound field
    • Pay attention to listening comfort

Remember: The goal is to achieve a natural, comfortable listening experience that reduces fatigue and maintains the intended musical presentation. Avoid extreme settings that might sound impressive at first but become fatiguing over time.