
A web-based real-time audio effect processor designed for audio enthusiasts to enhance their music listening experience.

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A real-time audio effect processor designed for audio enthusiasts to enhance their music listening experience. EffeTune allows you to process any audio source through various high-quality effects, enabling you to customize and perfect your listening experience in real-time.


Introduction video

YouTube Video


EffeTune is created for audio enthusiasts who want to take their music listening experience to the next level. Whether you’re streaming music or playing from physical media, EffeTune lets you add professional-grade effects to customize the sound to your exact preferences. Transform your computer into a powerful audio effects processor that sits between your audio source and your speakers or amplifier.

No audiophile myths, Just pure science.


Setup Guide

Before using EffeTune, you’ll need to set up your audio routing. Here’s how to configure different audio sources:

Streaming Service Setup

To process audio from streaming services (Spotify, YouTube Music, etc.):

  1. Prerequisites:
    • Install a virtual audio device (e.g., VB Cable, Voice Meeter, or ASIO Link Tool)
    • Configure your streaming service to output audio to the virtual audio device
  2. Configuration:
    • Open the EffeTune web app in your browser, or launch the EffeTune desktop app
    • Select the virtual audio device as the input source
      • In Chrome, the first time you open it, a dialog box appears asking you to select and allow audio input
      • In the desktop app, set it up by clicking the Config Audio button in the top right of the screen
    • Start playing music from your streaming service
    • Verify that audio is flowing through EffeTune

Physical Audio Source Setup

To use EffeTune with CD players, network players, or other physical sources:

  1. Configuration:
    • Connect your audio interface to your computer
    • Open the EffeTune web app in your browser, or launch the EffeTune desktop app
    • Select your audio interface as the input and output source
      • In Chrome, the first time you open it, a dialog box appears asking you to select and allow audio input
      • In the desktop app, set it up by clicking the Config Audio button in the top right of the screen
    • Your audio interface now functions as a multi-effects processor:
      • Input: Your CD player, network player, or other audio source
      • Processing: Real-time effects through EffeTune
      • Output: Processed audio to your amplifier or speakers


Building Your Effect Chain

  1. Available effects are listed on the left side of the screen
    • Use the search button next to “Available Effects” to filter effects
    • Type any text to find effects by name or category
    • Press ESC to clear the search
  2. Drag effects from the list to the Effect Pipeline area
  3. Effects are processed in order from top to bottom
  4. Use the handle (⋮) to reorder effects by dragging
  5. Click an effect’s name to expand/collapse its settings
  6. Use the ON button to bypass individual effects
  7. Click the ? button to open its detailed documentation in a new tab
  8. Remove effects using the trash can icon

Using Presets

  1. Save Your Effect Chain:
    • Set up your desired effect chain and parameters
    • Enter a name in the preset input field
    • Click the save button to store your preset
  2. Load a Preset:
    • Type or select a preset name from the dropdown list
    • The preset will be loaded automatically
    • All effects and their settings will be restored
  3. Delete a Preset:
    • Select the preset you want to remove
    • Click the delete button
    • Confirm the deletion when prompted
  4. Preset Information:
    • Each preset stores your complete effect chain configuration
    • Includes effect order, parameters, and states

Effect Selection and Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Effect Selection Methods:
    • Click on effect headers to select individual effects
    • Hold Ctrl while clicking to select multiple effects
    • Click on empty space in the Pipeline area to deselect all effects
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts:
    • Ctrl + Z: Undo
    • Ctrl + Y: Redo
    • Ctrl + S: Save the current pipeline
    • Ctrl + Shift + S: Save current pipeline as
    • Ctrl + X: Cut selected effects
    • Ctrl + C: Copy selected effects
    • Ctrl + V: Paste effects from clipboard
    • Ctrl + F: Search for effects
    • Ctrl + A: Select all effects in the pipeline
    • Delete: Delete selected effects
    • ESC: Deselect all effects

Processing Audio Files

  1. File Drop or File Specification Area:
    • A dedicated drop area is always visible below the Effect Pipeline
    • Supports single or multiple audio files
    • Files are processed using the current Pipeline settings
    • All processing is done at the Pipeline’s sample rate
  2. Processing Status:
    • Progress bar shows current processing status
    • Processing time depends on file size and effect chain complexity
  3. Download or Save Options:
    • The processed file is output in WAV format
    • Multiple files are automatically packaged in a ZIP file

Sharing Effect Chains

You can share your effect chain configuration with other users:

  1. After setting up your desired effect chain, click the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the Effect Pipeline area
  2. The web app URL will be automatically copied to your clipboard
  3. Share the copied URL with others - they can recreate your exact effect chain by opening it
  4. In the web app, all effect settings are stored in the URL, making them easy to save and share
  5. In the desktop app version, export the settings to an effetune_preset file from the File menu
  6. Share the exported effetune_preset file. The effetune_preset file can also be loaded by dragging it into the web app window

Audio Reset

If you experience audio issues (dropouts, glitches):

  1. Click the “Reset Audio” button in the top-left corner on the web app or select Reload from the View menu on the desktop app
  2. The audio pipeline will be rebuilt automatically
  3. Your effect chain configuration will be preserved

Common Effect Combinations

Here are some popular effect combinations to enhance your listening experience:

Headphone Enhancement

  1. Stereo Blend -> RS Reverb
    • Stereo Blend: Adjusts stereo width for comfort (60-100%)
    • RS Reverb: Adds subtle room ambience (10-20% mix)
    • Result: More natural, less fatiguing headphone listening

Vinyl Simulation

  1. Wow Flutter -> Noise Blender -> Saturation
    • Wow Flutter: Adds gentle pitch variation
    • Noise Blender: Creates vinyl-like atmosphere
    • Saturation: Adds analog warmth
    • Result: Authentic vinyl record experience

FM Radio Style

  1. Multiband Compressor -> Stereo Blend
    • Multiband Compressor: Creates that “radio” sound
    • Stereo Blend: Adjusts stereo width for comfort (100-150%)
    • Result: Professional broadcast-like sound

Lo-Fi Character

  1. Bit Crusher -> Simple Jitter -> RS Reverb
    • Bit Crusher: Reduces bit depth for retro feel
    • Simple Jitter: Adds digital imperfections
    • RS Reverb: Creates atmospheric space
    • Result: Classic lo-fi aesthetic


Audio Issues

  1. Dropouts or Glitches
    • Click the “Reset Audio” button in the top-left corner on the web app or select Reload from the View menu on the desktop app to rebuild the audio pipeline
    • Try reducing the number of active effects
  2. High CPU Usage
    • Disable effects you’re not actively using
    • Consider using fewer effects in your chain
  3. Echo Occurs
    • It’s likely that your audio inputs and outputs are not configured correctly
    • If you want to process the audio output of your browser, please consider installing a separate browser just for EffeTune, or using the desktop app instead of the web app

Common Setup Issues

  1. No Audio Input
    • Verify that audio is playing from a source and outputting to a virtual audio device
    • For the web app version, make sure audio input permissions are allowed in your browser and that the virtual audio device is selected as the input device
    • For the desktop app version, go to Config Audio in the top right corner of the screen and make sure the virtual audio device is selected as the input device
  2. Effect Not Working
    • Verify effect is enabled (ON/OFF button)
    • Check parameter settings
  3. No Audio Output
    • For the web app version, make sure that the audio output of the OS is set as the output device
    • For the desktop app version, go to “Config Audio” in the top right corner of the screen and make sure the correct output device is selected.


Q. Does this app support surround sound? A. Currently, due to browser limitations, we cannot handle more than 2 channels in the browser, and there is no proven track record of surround sound operation. While the effect implementation itself supports surround sound, we’ll need to wait for future browser support.

Q. What’s the recommended effect chain length? A. While there’s no strict limit, we recommend keeping your effect chain to 8-10 effects for optimal performance. More complex chains may impact system performance.

Q. How do I achieve the best sound quality? A. Use sample rates of 96kHz or higher when possible, start with subtle effect settings, and build your chain gradually. Monitor levels to avoid distortion.

Q. Will this work with any audio source? A. Yes, EffeTune can process any audio playing through your selected input device, including streaming services, local files, and physical media.

Available Effects

Category Effect Description Documentation
Analyzer Level Meter Displays audio level with peak hold Details
Analyzer Oscilloscope Real-time waveform visualization Details
Analyzer Spectrogram Displays frequency spectrum changes over time Details
Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer Real-time spectrum analysis Details
Analyzer Stereo Meter Visualizes stereo balance and sound movement Details
Basics DC Offset DC offset adjustment Details
Basics Polarity Inversion Signal polarity inversion Details
Basics Stereo Balance Stereo channel balance control Details
Basics Volume Basic volume control Details
Delay Time Alignment Precise timing adjustments for audio channels Details
Dynamics Auto Leveler Automatic volume adjustment based on LUFS measurement for consistent listening experience Details
Dynamics Brickwall Limiter Transparent peak control for safe and comfortable listening Details
Dynamics Compressor Dynamic range compression with threshold, ratio, and knee control Details
Dynamics Gate Noise gate with threshold, ratio, and knee control for noise reduction Details
Dynamics Multiband Compressor Professional 5-band dynamics processor with FM radio-style sound shaping Details
EQ 15Band GEQ 15-band graphic equalizer Details
EQ 5Band PEQ Professional parametric equalizer with 5 fully configurable bands Details
EQ Loudness Equalizer Frequency balance correction for low volume listening Details
EQ Narrow Range High-pass and low-pass filter combination Details
EQ Tone Control Three-band tone control Details
Filter Wow Flutter Time-based modulation effect Details
Lo-Fi Bit Crusher Bit depth reduction and zero-order hold effect Details
Lo-Fi Noise Blender Noise generation and mixing Details
Lo-Fi Simple Jitter Digital jitter simulation Details
Reverb RS Reverb Random scattering reverb with natural diffusion Details
Saturation Hard Clipping Digital hard clipping effect Details
Saturation Multiband Saturation 3-band saturation effect for precise frequency-based warmth Details
Saturation Saturation Saturation effect Details
Saturation Sub Synth Mixes subharmonic signals for bass enhancement Details
Spatial Multiband Balance 5-band frequency-dependent stereo balance control Details
Spatial Stereo Blend Stereo width control effect Details
Others Oscillator Multi-waveform audio signal generator Details

Technical Information

Browser Compatibility

Frieve EffeTune has been tested and verified to work on Google Chrome. The application requires a modern browser with support for:

Browser Support Details

  1. Chrome/Chromium
    • Fully supported and recommended
    • Update to latest version for best performance
  2. Firefox/Safari
    • Limited support
    • Some features may not work as expected
    • Consider using Chrome for best experience

For optimal performance with nonlinear effects, it is recommended to use EffeTune at a sample rate of 96kHz or higher. This higher sample rate helps achieve ideal characteristics when processing audio through nonlinear effects such as saturation and compression.

Development Guide

Want to create your own audio plugins? Check out our Plugin Development Guide. Want to build a desktop app? Check out our Build Guide.

Version History

Source Code
